A third of homeowners are disappointed with their progress up the housing ladder, new research has found.
Some 33 per cent expected to have advanced further than they currently have, according to a Lloyds Bank survey of around 1,000 homeowners.
The figure increases among first-time buyers, 43 per cent of whom said they are lagging behind their own expectations.
Despite disappointment among some of those surveyed, Lloyds reports homeowners’ housing aspirations are showing signs of optimism.
Nearly three quarters (74 per cent) said they expect to find their long-term family home in no more than two moves.
And while 81 per cent of homeowners believe they will have to wait longer than they would have done a decade ago, this is down from 88 per cent in 2012.
“There’s still a perception amongst a large number of homeowners that their long-term aspirational home seems far off and they are not moving up the housing ladder as quickly as they had hoped, although this perception has been gradually improving over the last few years,” said Andrew Mason, Lloyds Bank mortgage products director.
see more here http://www.cityam.com/248705/one-three-homeowners-disappointed-their-progress-up-housing